If you've been in a guild for any period of time you've most likely encountered the person that needs to spill their life story when they decide it's time for them to move in WoW. These people think they're entitled to the right to speak their piece on whatever things have bothered them within the guild.
I can say safely having watched a fair amount of these and heard of even more, don't let this happen.
A person listing all the reasons why they don't feel this guild is worth it isn't going to help anyone. The person who might actually be trying to make a vaild complaint will either be mocked or ignored. Or the players staying with the guild are made often to feel bad about their decision.
Leave the guild with class, say "I don't feel this is the place I want be anymore." and leave. Don't make excuses with flowery language. Be concise but vague, find a time that alot of people aren't on if preferable. Gquitting right before a raid isn't fair to the leadership or the players.
Just because a guild isn't the right fit for you doesn't mean you'll never see them again. Leaving with class allows the opportunity for PuGed spots later on and the ability to keep friends you've made.
Acting like a fool might come back and bite you with the next guild you apply to as well. It's not uncommon for GLs and Raid leaders to chat with each other about applicants and raiders. So don't burn future bridges by torching a past one.
Mischief: Water Elementals No Longer Nameable :(
14 years ago
Nice post, ex wow player here.